About me
I'm a guy who loves to explore and play with the data. I not only have good programming skills and training ML/DL models but I can also excellently do the time management, with the ability to prioritize and multitask and work under shifting deadlines in a fast-paced environment. I have strong analytical and interpersonal skills, experience in data interpretation demonstrated ability to learn quickly. Kindly go through the project section, my LinkedIn and my GitHub to know more about me.
Work Experience
Data Scientist - iNeuron
Present - 2 Oct 2021Working as a data scientist in iNeuron under the guidance of Shudhanshu Sir and Krish Sir, I along with my team mates are working on a web app named "Auto Neuron". The purpose to develop this web app is to allow the non-techincal people a platform where they can perform Data Engineering and can train Machine Learning models without even writing a single line of code. Each and every action will be performed using User Interface. To see the project, please click
Data Science Intern - iNeuron
2 Oct 2021 - 20 Aug 2021Working as an intern in iNeuron under the guidance of Shudhanshu Sir and Krish Sir, I completed an end to end project titled "Flight Fare Prediction". This project is developed keeping in mind that travelling through flights has become an integral part of today’s lifestyle as more and more people are opting for faster travelling options. The flight ticket prices increase or decrease every now and then depending on various factors like timing of the flights, destination, and duration of flights various occasions such as vacations or festive season. Therefore, having some basic idea of the flight fares before planning the trip will surely help many people save money and time. To see the project, please click
Project Description:
Wafer is a piece of silicon or other semiconductor material, designed in the form of a very thin disc. Wafers are used to create electronic integrated circuits (ICs) and silicon-based photovoltaic cells. These wafers provide a large volume of data as an output through sensors. Based on the reading provided by the sensors and using classification machine learning algorithms I have predicted if the wafer is faulty or not. Using this ML app the companies can save a huge amount of man power, time as well as money.
Environment & technology used : Python, Data Validation, Flask, Sklearn, KNN, KMeans
Project link:
Project Description:
Websites like amazon, flipkart are having hundreds of options for a single product. It becomes very difficult for the users to choose a good product. To solve this problem I have come up with an idea of using the reviews of the customers to predict whether a particular product is good for buying or not by using machine learning. SVC classification algorithm has been used in this model.
Environment & technology used : Python, Pandas-Profiling, Sklearn, SVC
Future Scope:
• Increase number of categories
• Use deep learning techniques like GRU or LSTM
Project link:Project-3: STOCK PRICE PREDICTION
Project Description:
Stocks always show some pattern in case of upward or downward movement of the price. Analysis of the patterns can be made easier and more accurate by the use of machine learning and deep learning. In this project, I have used the data of Tata Global Beverages and deep learning for the model training. Using keras library LSTM network the model has been trained and is ready to predict.
Environment & technology used : Python, Flask, Dash, Sklearn, Keras
Future Scope:
• Include multiple stock prediction
• NLP for analyzing market sentiments
Project link:
Project Description:
In this web application we can explore different datasets and classifier. This project demonstrates how easily an interactive web applications can be build with streamlit. Streamlit lets you create apps for your machine learning projects with simple Python scripts. See official streamlit website for more info.
Environment & technology used : Python, Streamlit, Sklearn
Project link:Project-5: CHATBOT
Project Description:
Many medium and large organizations are replacing manual customer relationship management and QnA problems with chatbots. Chatbots are more reliable and pocket friendly for the companies. In this project, I have developed a chatbot that can be used in education sector. I have used DialogFlow to build the bot.
Environment & technology used : Python, DialogFlow, Knowledge Base questions
Project link:Project-6: DEVELOPMENT USING DOCKER
Project Description:
This demo app shows a simple user profile app set up using index.html with pure js and css styles nodejs backend with express module mongodb for data storage. All components are docker-based.
Environment & technology used : HTML, JavaScript, Docker
Project link:Education